Birchills Church of England Community Academy

Equality Duty Statement



The Public Sector Equality Duty requires our school to monitor our policies and procedures and to publish information about equalities in our school. The Equality Act 2010 has 3 main ‘General Duties’ which we must aim to achieve, these are:

  1. To eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  2. To advance equality of opportunity between people.
  3. To foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

The Equality Act 2010 states that it is unlawful to discriminate against people with the following protected characteristics. This applies to the whole school community:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Gender reassignment
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race (ethnicity)
  • Religion and belief
  • Sexual Orientation

We believe that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life and that it is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community.  Everyone within our school community should feel safe and secure, they should feel valued and of equal worth, these include:

  • Children and young people
  • All staff employed at the school
  • Students on placement
  • Parents/carers
  • Governors
  • Agency staff
  • Contractors working at our school
  • External agencies whose staff are working with our school, including Health, Social Care, Special Needs support and agencies such as the Department for Education, Ofsted and School Improvement Partners
  • All visitors to the school


The ‘Specific Duty’ for schools is to gather and publish information to show how we are complying with the Equalities Duty; how we remove or minimise disadvantage and take steps to meet different needs and encourage participating when it is proportionately low.  We record and analyse the progress and attainment of all children, including vulnerable groups. NB Due to small organisational numbers which would allow for specific people to be identified groups are combined or not published.


Birchills' Profile


Due to group size of groups data combined


Gender Ethnicity Term of Birth
Cohort All Boys Girls EAL Non WBRI AUT SPR SUM
Whole Academy 437 199 46% 238 54% 271 62% 360 82% 145 33% 143 33% 149 34%


12 34% 23 66% 21 60% 24 69% 13 37% 11 31% 11 31%
Reception 59 28 47% 31 53% 43 73% 55 93% 27 46% 14 24% 18 31%
Key Stage 1 111 50 45% 61 55% 58 52% 96 86% 31 28% 41 38% 39 35%
Year 1 55 22 40% 33 60% 23 42% 41 75% 17 31% 20 36%


Year 2 56 28 50% 28 50% 35 63% 45 80% 14 25% 21 38% 21 38%
Key Stage 2 232 109 47% 123 53% 149 64% 195 84% 74 33% 57 27% 81 39%
Year 3 56 27 48% 29 52% 37 66% 44 79% 13 23% 20 36% 23 41%
Year 4 60 26 43% 34 57% 33 55% 48 80% 16 27% 22 37% 22 37%
Year 5 59 25 42% 34 58% 36


53 90% 24 41% 17 29% 18 31%
Year 6 57 31 54% 26 46% 43 75% 50 88% 21 37% 18 32% 18 32%


Birchills' equality objectives 2023/24



7.1         While aiming to improve continuously the implementation of equality related policies and procedures, and ensuring that due regard is taken always of the    impact of actions and decisions on pupils and staff with particular characteristics, the school has established the following objectives for the period 2023/24:

(a)          to encourage all (especially those from different ethnic background) to think about future subjects in STEM subjects

(b)          to encourage girls to consider non-stereotyped career options.

(c)           to continue to be a Stonewall Champion School



Female 87
Male 13


Age %
<20 0
20-29 11
30-39 30
40-49 16
50-59 34
60+ 9