With God all things are possible. We are all God's children:
It is said, 'With God all things are possible' Matthew 19 verse 26
Our vision is to provide a safe haven of hope and possibility to all. Through a strong commitment to Christian Values and a nurturing ethos embedded in the delivery of a high quality education - all children can learn and make a positive contribution to the diverse society of which they belong - in a confident, creative and awe inspiring way.
The family of Birchills C of E Community Academy holds hands with those from all faiths and those with no faith, and provides a vibrant, respectful, friendly and safe community where all will know that all things are possible with God.
We have good links with St. Andrew’s Church alongside other places of worship that our children belong to. Within the local area we have a Mosque, Gurdwara and a Mandir. Through our links with all of these places, we are able to support and enrich our understanding of being part of a multi-cultural society whilst celebrating British values, diversity and equality.
Birchills currently has 449 children on role. Everyone in our community is important and deserves the very best. Our belief is that individuals can have fun and achieve their full potential, whilst learning life-long skills. We work hard to improve the life chances of all of children, their families and the wider community. The successful candidate will join a team of staff determined to continually drive up standards throughout the school.
On behalf of myself, the colleagues, and the Local Academy Committee (LAC), we thank you for visiting our website. If you are interested in learning more about our academy, you are welcome to contact or visit us.
We look forward to meeting you.
Mr. J. Dean, Executive Principal
Miss. G. Poole, Head of School
Mrs. K. Quantrill (KS1 Lead, Assistant Principal)
Mrs. A. Latham (KS2 Lead, Assistant Principal)
Mrs. K. Taplin (Nursery and SENDCo)
Miss. J. Taylor (Assistant Principal for Welfare, Safeguarding and Pastoral)
Mr. B. Churm (Chair of Local Academy Committee
To contact any of the above persons, please use the contact details at the foot of this page.
Please note that paper copies of the information contained within this website are available upon request from our academy office (Mrs. Kaur,Miss. Cash or Mrs. Bates - Admin Team)